Historians research, analyze, record, and interpret the past as recorded in sources, such as government and institutional records, newspapers and other periodicals, photographs, interviews, films, electronic media, and unpublished manuscripts, such as personal diaries and letters.

  • Conserve and preserve manuscripts, records, and other artifacts.
  • Gather historical data from sources such as archives, court records, diaries, news files, and photographs, as well as from books, pamphlets, and periodicals.
  • Conduct historical research as a basis for the identification, conservation, and reconstruction of historic places and materials.
  • Research and prepare manuscripts in support of public programming and the development of exhibits at historic sites, museums, libraries, and archives.
  • Present historical accounts in terms of individuals or social, ethnic, political, economic, or geographic groupings.
  • Organize data, and analyze and interpret its authenticity and relative significance.
  • Research the history of a particular country or region, or of a specific time period.
  • Conduct historical research, and publish or present findings and theories.
  • Recommend actions related to historical art, such as which items to add to a collection or which items to display in an exhibit.
  • Determine which topics to research, or pursue research topics specified by clients or employers.
  • Speak to various groups, organizations, and clubs to promote the aims and activities of historical societies.
  • Advise or consult with individuals and institutions regarding issues such as the historical authenticity of materials or the customs of a specific historical period.
  • Prepare publications and exhibits, or review those prepared by others, to ensure their historical accuracy.
  • Trace historical development in a particular field, such as social, cultural, political, or diplomatic history.
  • Organize information for publication and for other means of dissemination, such as via storage media or the Internet.
  • Interview people to gather information about historical events and to record oral histories.
  • Collect detailed information on individuals for use in biographies.
  • Edit historical society publications.
  • Coordinate activities of workers engaged in cataloging and filing materials.
  • Translate or request translation of reference materials.
  • Teach and conduct research in colleges, universities, museums, and other research agencies and schools.
Work Context
  • Freedom to Make Decisions — 57% responded "A lot of freedom".
  • Structured versus Unstructured Work — 64% responded "A lot of freedom".
  • Face-to-Face Discussions — 56% responded "Every day".
  • Telephone — 45% responded "Once a week or more but not every day".
  • Indoors, Environmentally Controlled — 74% responded "Every day".
  • Electronic Mail — 50% responded "Once a week or more but not every day".
  • Importance of Being Exact or Accurate — 50% responded "Extremely important".
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Work Activities
  • Getting Information — Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.
  • Interpreting the Meaning of Information for Others — Translating or explaining what information means and how it can be used.
  • Thinking Creatively — Developing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions.
  • Documenting/Recording Information — Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form.
  • Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events — Identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events.
  • Performing for or Working Directly with the Public — Performing for people or dealing directly with the public. This includes serving customers in restaurants and stores, and receiving clients or guests.
  • Processing Information — Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating, tabulating, auditing, or verifying information or data.
  • Making Decisions and Solving Problems — Analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems.
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Detailed Work Activities
  • Prepare materials for preservation, storage, or display.
  • Conduct historical research.
  • Collect archival data.
  • Conduct historical research.
  • Conduct historical research.
  • Instruct college students in social sciences or humanities disciplines.
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History and Archeology
  • Knowledge of historical events and their causes, indicators, and effects on civilizations and cultures.
English Language
  • Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.
Customer and Personal Service
  • Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.
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Reading Comprehension
  • Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.
Critical Thinking
  • Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
Active Listening
  • Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
  • Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.
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Written Comprehension
  • The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.
Written Expression
  • The ability to communicate information and ideas in writing so others will understand.
Oral Comprehension
  • The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences.
Oral Expression
  • The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.
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People interested in this work like activities that include ideas, thinking, and figuring things out.
They do well at jobs that need:
  • Achievement/Effort
  • Persistence
  • Initiative
  • Leadership
  • Cooperation
  • Concern for Others
  • Social Orientation
  • Self Control
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You might use software like this on the job:

Document management software
  • Adobe Systems Adobe Acrobat Hot Technology
  • Web Scrapbook
Office suite software
  • Microsoft Office Hot Technology
Spreadsheet software
  • Microsoft Excel Hot Technology
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